A Cision Newswire Success Story You'll Never Believe

1 year ago 285

A Cision Newswire Example of overcoming adversity You Won't ever Accept

You've probably never heard of cision newswire, and you'd be forgiven for not knowing he was a graphic designer who worked on some of the most iconic logos in history. But if you're familiar with his work and are interested in learning more about the guy, here's a little something about him that might surprise you: he also designed fonts!

Well known that Paul Rand, the legendary graphic designer 

It is well known that Paul Rand, the legendary graphic designer and art director, created the IBM logo in 1972. He also designed the UPS logo, which was called "The Package" because of its shape and size (the letters were designed to look like packages).cision newswire was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1914. At an early age, he became interested in art design and photography. In 1935 he started working for advertising agencies where he learned how to use color effectively for brand identification as well as other techniques such as typography or layout design. His career took off after World War II when he joined Alexey Brodovitch's company (with whom he collaborated on many projects).

Rand's cover for "A Fake's Progress" by Terry Southern was one of his more whimsical works.

You may be surprised to learn that Rand was also one of the most prolific cover artists of his time. He designed covers for several well-known works, including:

  • "A Farewell To Arms" by Ernest Hemingway

  • The Graduate (1963) by Mike Nichols and Buck Henry

  • Ulysses (1922) by James Joyce

It might surprise you to learn that Rand also designed a skylab in 1958.

It might surprise you to learn that Rand also designed a skylab in 1958. The design was so advanced, it was never built—but it did influence the look of future space stations.

The concept of a skylab is simple: it's an orbiting laboratory that can be manipulated by astronauts on Earth or by remote control from their spacecraft. The goal is for scientists and engineers to conduct experiments in zero gravity, which they cannot do while they're on the ground due to gravity's pull on them (and everything else).

He was actually responsible for designing an early version of the Macintosh computer in 1981.

Jef Raskin was a designer at Apple who wanted to create a computer that would be easy to use, but also powerful enough to run office applications. EIN Presswire He teamed up with Paul Rand, an artist who had worked on many advertising campaigns for IBM and other companies. Together they designed the Mac in 1981 as part of a joint project between Apple and Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center).

The computer was marketed as "the most advanced personal computer ever built" at its launch in January 1984—but it wasn't until later that year that Steve Jobs realized how important it could become if he marketed it properly. It wasn't until then that he took over as CEO from Mike Markkula; Raskin meanwhile left his position as director of hardware development for Apple Computer Co., Ltd., after spending three years working on its development process during which time he led efforts toward creating more powerful hardware than ever before seen on an individual piece of technology hardware beforehand--especially considering this was during an era when computers hadn't been invented yet!

But did you know he also designed fonts?

But did you know he also designed fonts?

He designed the Neuland font, and he created an optical illusion typeface called ITC Avant Garde. He was a fan of Helvetica, which is why he created his own version called Paul Rand Alphabet.

Rand tried his hand at the theatre, with a set design 

News wire services tried his hand at the theatre, with a set design for "Who Killed Santa Claus?" in 1961. The play was written by Neil Simon and starred Danny Kaye as detective Bumpers, who investigates the death of Santa Claus after he is found dead on Christmas Eve with a bullet hole in his head. The police have no suspects, so they look to Bumpers for help. He discovers that it was actually an inside job—the real murderer was none other than Mrs. Claus (played by actress Joanne Woodward).

As you can see above, Rand's set design was simple but effective: it consisted of two platforms connected by stairs; one platform supported a desk where actors would sit while they performed their parts during rehearsals and performances; another supported an easel where props were kept during performances; lastly there were two doors leading off stage left/right respectively which led into backstage rooms used by crew members working behind-the-scenes on productions such as lighting or sound equipment etcetera...

Legendary graphic designer Paul Rand also worked on some surprising projects.

Cision newswire was a graphic designer, painter and calligrapher. He designed the IBM logo in 1972 and is responsible for some of the most iconic logos in advertising history including those of American Express, Campbell’s Soup Company, Exxon Mobil and UPS.

Rand also worked on some surprising projects like this one:


You might be surprised to learn how much PR Newswire contributed to the world of design. He was a visionary, and his many contributions helped shape our modern culture.

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